gradual decline

美 [ˈɡrædʒuəl dɪˈklaɪn]英 [ˈɡrædʒuəl dɪˈklaɪn]
  • 逐渐衰退
gradual declinegradual decline
  1. Overall , the insurance industry in Chongqing during the war experienced a gradual decline from the boom to the process , after the Japanese surrender , the center of the insurance industry has moved to Shanghai .


  2. A gradual decline ( in size or strength or power or number ) .


  3. Around 1900 BC , signs of a gradual decline begin to emerge .


  4. Gradual decline , progress , etc


  5. Landscape regeneration of industry heritage appeared with the increasingly serious environmental problems and the gradual decline of traditional industries .


  6. And with increasing pressure , the ignition point and maximum burning rate point and burn out point were gradual decline .


  7. Anger is at its peak in early adulthood but then begins a long , gradual decline .


  8. As an urban and architectural character of the local culture is facing the danger of gradual decline and demise .


  9. The individual adult shows a gradual decline in functional ability with the advancing age , which is referred to as aging process .


  10. But it is a pity that typical character report falls in the dilemma and has been a gradual decline .


  11. Qing Dynasty , accompanied by the rise of new schools , the gradual decline of the traditional college , quit the stage of history .


  12. Compared with the gradual decline current of household consumption tendency , the tendency of household medical treatment service consumption oppositely takes on beeline ascending current .


  13. This is the beginning of a gradual decline that is in all too many of us will culminate the full-blown dementia .


  14. Ding in the Northern Song Dynasty " Jingkang Change ", Due to successive years Bingzai gradual decline and abandonment .


  15. However , in the last 1990s , with the slow pace of development of township enterprises , the ability to absorb surplus rural labor is in a gradual decline .


  16. Aging refers to the body , after a gradual decline in physiological function , degenerative changes in tissues and organs and , ultimately , the inevitable dying process .


  17. As the civilization of ancient Greece slave society decline , the ancient Greece Olympic movement was alienated by narrow political purposes , material benefits and cultural prejudice and gradual decline .


  18. The move last September sent shares plunging 21 % in one day and raised worries about a gradual decline in the global luxury market , which has largely been driven by China .


  19. The global economy , already beset by financial market turmoil and slowing US growth , is now confronted by the risk that the gradual decline of the US dollar could run out of control .


  20. The clinical features of BD was gradual decline of brainpower , orientation obstacle , characteristic changes , pseudobulbar palsy , manifestation of pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor system damages .


  21. Diabetes-associated cognitive decline ( DACD ), also called diabetic encephalopathy , represents a complication on the diabetic brain , which manifests as a gradual decline of cognitive function .


  22. This first phase of deficit reduction should work towards a gradual decline in the debt / GDP ratio , not just stabilising it at a relatively high level that will inevitably ratchet up .


  23. I pointed out that England peaked in 1912 and life in the UK was still quite pleasant so I was not too worried about my own country having begun a gradual decline .


  24. This novel , though the disillusionment of the ideal dream which the character Gatsby has been seeking for , reveals the gradual decline of American dream that Gatsby stand for .


  25. As the growth of the age , the probability of labor engaged in non-agricultural revealed a trend of gradual decline . ( 5 ) the labor force by the education degree significantly affect the labor employment .


  26. Therefore , the traditional home of cotton textile industry in its peak , in the foreign and domestic cotton yarn cotton textiles mechanism under the impact of the gradual decline , until finally quit the stage of history .


  27. With the gradual decline of the acute flaccid paralysis ( AFP ) caused by wild poliovirus , vaccine-derived poliovirus ( VDPV ) is increasingly attracting the attention of people .


  28. Spring and Autumn Period in the war , " salute ", clear transitional characteristics , while retaining some of the Western Zhou Dynasty , when a military salute the form and spirit of a gradual decline .


  29. With the rapid penetration of globalization on social , cultural , economic , the worldwide cultural convergence is a serious threat to the traditional value of regional culture inheritance , regional and cultural characteristics of the gradual decline and even extinction .


  30. In theory , this section discuss the tightening of monetary policy would have found a negative output and price effects , the output effects of monetary policy faster than the price effect , but both continuing a gradual decline over time eliminate .
